Solved: Chrome downloading file instead of displaying page
A lot of developers are experiencing the same problem: while all other browsers display your latest web creation perfectly, Chrome just downloads the script source file – yes, source.
Several support threads describe the same problem, suggesting everything from security flaws and misconfigured servers to a chrome bug.
The answer is simple: you visited your unfinished site in Chrome before it was configured correctly. Chrome correctly just downloaded your front page script file – and it has cached that result, showing it to you again and again.
A simple curl invocation will confirm this, just goes to show how useful simple command-line tools can be.

HTML etc. pages display nicely in chrome, but when I address a doc file in the web all I’m offered by chrome is a download, not an open with wird right away. Firefox is fine, however (about:preferences, settings, applications). Chrome, extensions, chrome apps, Docs won’t do. Fritz Jörn
thank you ! suffer for a week from this, helped me a lot!
Thanks issue fixed
Thanks for sharing this information. It worked perfectly. No problems at all !!!
Yeah, but if that happens for other users? How will they know to just go clear the Browsing Data? It works for the owner of the site but doesn’t work for the other users right?
Please why download the page link when you click on it instead of displaying the note and you experience this problem in all chrome browsers
And fayrfox and Microsoft edge
At the same time on an Android mobile phone
yes I am also facing the same issue in every browser and it is only occurring with my site. Don’t know how to fix it.
On Windows, this opens the file in Notepad. Would like to know how to read any.log from Chrome directly (as seen for any.txt files) Thyag Oct 6 ’17 at 15:27
Thanks, it solved my problem
This gave a whole lot of headache. Fixed
Doesn’t work for me. Had to use Internet Explorer in order to download what I needed.
It started to happen to me as well, tried clearing my browser history. Still no luck, can someone help me understand why?
Thanks for the solution mate.
Hi I’m facing the same problem as above
Cleared cache and cookies for all time
Yet not working
Please help. I need to my site to work.
Thank You so much. This issue was really annoying.
Man you saved my day!!! Thanks a Lot! 🙂
thank you ! suffer for a week from this, helped me a lot!
Hi All,
Problem – File gets download when trying to access the webapplication.
Even i have the same problem, In my case http requests are giving problem and https no issues , I using nginx reverse proxy..If someone can help here
Thanks for sharing such useful information with us. I’m really glad to keep posting that.
Thanks you saved me, I wasted this two days for this solution. Finally got
thanks. My problem is solved now.
Thank you!
I am facing this problem repeatedly,
1.clear browser
2.delete .htaccess file
3.change the version of php
This problem I have facing many times, my question is that why this problem?
u r the best..thaaaaaank you!!